Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Siete Parte

The town was in complete chaos after the horrific carnival fire. Kalenna was shocked and somewhat heartbroken that such a tragic event like this had occurred, but at the same time, she also had a feeling of relief that that dumb carnival was gone. She barely got any sleep due to all the chaos and craziness that had happened after the fire the previous night, and oddly was not the slightest bit tired. Despite all the fact that the town was in complete pandemonium and that she had only one hour of sleep the night before, Kalenna could not get the thought of working at Second Chances out of her head and was determined to get a job, even if it was at a place like Second Chances. Before leaving her apartment, she put on her sexiest outfit, a tight striped red dress that hugged all of her curves, and covered her face in make-up. Kalenna could not do much with her short wavy hair, so she kept it simple just brushing it down. She slipped on a pair of black pumps with heels that made her five inches taller. Kalenna took a close look into the mirror and examined the image looking back at her. What she saw was a mature, sexy woman, but she still felt like an insecure girl. Kalenna could not shake that insecure feeling even while walking to Second Chances and receiving many approving glances in her seductive outfit. She began to feel like that emo gothic girl who always seemed so depressed. She always thought the girl was very weird, but maybe the girl was dealing with the same insecurities as Kalenna. But as she came upon the Second Chances doorway, she noticed two dangerous looking thieves attempting to load a gigantic ATM machine into an old truck. Fright and flashbacks came over Kalenna because she did not know how dangerous the thieves were and whether or not they were going to target her next. So she ran into Second Chances for a safe haven, something she never expected to do.

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